Friday, December 6, 2013

Updated Results: App Marketing Strategy Continues

In the past post, we talked about email marketing, which hasn't went well due to my crappy hosting company. Well today we are going to talk about other ways to get exposure to your app. I will also post the results of my marketing so far.

The idea of this post was to test some of the strategies on prominent blogs across the internet and show you upcoming marketers that if you actually implement and test what works you will see results.

A helpful post on the Appatmin blog called The iOS App Marketing Strategy Guide help me start my marketing campaign so I wanted to share it with you. I skipped the pre-launch strategies since my app was already launched. I will outline the ways I marketed my Certified Mixtapez iOS app so far.

In beginning, the budget for marketing app for Indy developers is light so I started with all the free ways. So I created accounts for my app with all the popular social networks below:

Facebook Pages

You want to make sure you follow influencers in your apps niche and search keywords related to your niche to try gain exposure in these networks. You want to make sure that you post quality content and avoid spamming people in your timeline with just your links. You want to be creative and try different thing to get the attention of potential user.

On Instagram, we are utilizing the 30 second videos to promote new music being published on our app. So here are the results below. Tell me what you're doing to build your online presence for your apps.

Graph 1 :  Apple App links Analytics - Flurry

Graph 2 : Downloads from the last 30 days -  AppAnnie

  Graph 3 : App Store Ranking for the last 30 days

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Learning Lessons - Can't do everything

The lesson of the week is learning that timing issues don't allow you to take on every project. As you grow more successful, you have to manage your time better. My problem is that I take on more client than I handle with my small staff which tends to be stressful at times.

I'm realizing that I not only need to grow my team but I need to learn when to say no. I always had a saying that my projects come before everything. For the upcoming year, I don't think I'm going to take on any more outside project until I get all my apps off the ground. Let me know what you think!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Is the Power Really in the List

So I was searching through the internet trying to find different ways to market my new app and I ran across few blogpost that suggested me to build a email marketing list to start off my launch.  I remember that I had already went through this process but I never really used my list.  So I'm going to create a case study blog series on my experience.

I started off my email campaign by signing up to mail chimp. I got in the back office and realized that I couldn't afford the cost to import a mailing list of over 100k. So I searched the internet for the poor man's approach. I ran across a open source mailing solution called phplist. I download the install package and uploaded it to my hosting provider. You may search your webhost to see if they have a script that install phplist for you.

So I exported the email template from mailchimp and I created a campaign in phplist. I decided I would send 10,000 emails a week to test the campaign emails. Here are my results below.

By looking at these results, looks like there's not much power in the list. Hopefully I will get better results when optimize my template alittle better. Stay tuned I will provide more results. Feel free to comment and tell me what Im doing wrong.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Beginnings to Success

Today marks the beginning of my documentation of my journey as a developer slash apprenuer. I started developing apps while I attended Prairie View A&M University in 2010.

When I began this journey, there were many things I didnt know regarding the app industry. I didn't know the hardship of app marketing. The tips and tricks to optimize my earnings and visibility for my apps.

I have developed many apps during my experience. Some I have developed as the sole developer, others I have hired a team to help me through this process.

Every app I have developed has had great success whether in the android market or iphone market. As time goes on, hopefully my success will continue. (fingers crossed!!)

I will refer to my apps and my outsourcing experiences in my future.

I have had the idea to record my results and findings to a ebook, but I have decided to share them with you through this blog. I would like to hear your responses of my experiences and some of your own experiences too. You can never stop learning.

From time to time, I also will have blogpost for you developers out there like me with some of the UI and Android Tutorials.

The focus of this blog is to share my experience to help upcoming apprenuers and developers but i also want to learn from you.

My goal is to post on a weekly basis, if my schedule allows.  Look forward to the success this blog will bring


RL Shaw